Online coaching is for clients all over the world who want to achieve their best body, and much more.
Along with guiding you to achieve your physical goal, I coach you how to integrate fitness and healthy habits into your lifestyle step by step.
I will go over your mindset, your lifestyle, your relationship with food and your physical ability at the beginning to set you up with a holistic program.
Every week we will touch base to monitor your progress, and I will make changes as needed to your program to continue your progress.
Hi, I’m Khadeejah
I am a coach, an athlete and forever a student of health and fitness. My training background combines bodybuilding, powerlifting & movement training. My nutrition background includes everything from lifestyle-based to fitness competition nutrition. I am certified by National Association of Sports Medicine (NASM-CPT), Precision Nutrition (PN1) and Canadian Fitness Professionals (CanFitPro-CPT). I am a Canadian National Bikini Competitor competing at Canadian Nationals when competitions start up again. I also have a Bachelors in Psychology from The University of Waterloo, which helps me facilitate behaviour change in my clients.
I encourage the use of critical thinking when making health and fitness decisions. My passion lies in finding solutions to problems which combined with my experience and education is the perfect recipe to help you achieve your health goals!
Frequently Asked Questions
How does it work?
Upon purchase, you will receive an extensive Client Intake Form that I will be using to create your initial program. You will receive your program within 24-48 hours.
Check-ins are directly with me, done on a weekly basis. Your nutrition, training and lifestyle programs are also updated are on a weekly basis.
What equipment do I need?
Your programs are custom to the equipment available to you at the moment.
When will I see results?
Generally clients start to see results within three weeks. To reach your goal depends on your starting point and your level of dedication.